As a leader, you have a huge amount of sway over your team. These people admire, respect and really listen to you, so the words you use when speaking to them hold serious clout. You have the ability to engage and inspire the team or make them feel discouraged and dejected, so use your power for good.

You may not realize it, but the words you’re using may not be sending the message you hoped, so swap them out for these uplifting terms sure to rouse the group.

“Please Explain Further”

When a staffer has an idea you’re not too keen on, fully hear them out before declaring their plan won’t work. First of all, you can’t make an informed decision until you know all the facts, so you genuinely might be missing something that makes their idea work. Of course, even if the plan truly isn’t a great one, stopping and listening to people makes them feel valued.

“I Get Your Point”

You’re not going to agree with everyone all the time, but the way you handle these differences of opinion means everything. Instead of bluntly telling someone they’re wrong, display compassion by explaining you understand what they’re saying. This is a kind way to segue into a discussion explaining why you don’t think their idea is feasible, allowing you to let them down gently.

“What Do You Think We Should Do?”

It’s impossible for your team to learn and grow if you solve all their problems. The next time an employee comes to you with a question, ask their opinion before giving your own. This allows them to sharpen their critical thinking skills and boosts their confidence. Gaining the input of others is also hugely beneficial to the team, because a well-rounded idea base leads to innovation.

“I Was Wrong”

Sometimes you make mistakes, because you’re not perfect. Instead of trying sweep these mishaps under the rug by passing the blame or hoping your team won’t notice, gain their respect by accepting accountability for your actions. You set the tone for the rest of your team, so by taking this route, you create a culture where it’s okay to fail. The company can’t move forward unless you’re constantly pushing boundaries, so this makes everyone feel comfortable taking risks.

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