During a job interview, you can expect to be asked questions that will catch you off-guard. Those of the most challenging nature allow the interviewer to dig deep and gauge your true fit for the job.

One of the questions that commonly stumps even the best candidates is “What should I know that’s not on your resume?” This is a tricky one, because you have to reveal something that isn’t already known about you, without inadvertently saying something that will hurt your chances of getting the job.

Learn how to give a response to this question that makes you an even stronger candidate.

3 Ways to Answer “What Should I Know That’s Not on Your Resume?”

A few different approaches can be taken to provide an incredibly strong answer to this thought-provoking question.

Share Something Unique

You’re likely one of at least a few candidates interviewing for the position, so sharing an interesting fact about yourself or an accomplishment is a great way to stand out. Of course, you should keep your audience in mind and only offer up information appropriate to tell a potential employer. For example, sharing that you’re a marathon runner shows you don’t back down from a challenge and that you honor your commitments.

Explain What Drives You

There’s a reason you chose your line of work and continue to be so committed to it. Briefly explain what first interested you in the field and why you’re still so driven today. This conversation will highlight your true passion for the job, which is sure to impress the interviewer. Show them you truly care about the work and it’s much more than just a way to earn a paycheck.

Describe Your Personality

Your resume explains all your professional skills and accomplishments, but it doesn’t really offer any insights on what it would be like to work with you. Share a few of your best traits — eternal optimist, honest, perceptive, kind, persistent, reliable, etc. — to showcase the real you. This is your chance to sell yourself as someone who does great work and is also pleasant to have as a colleague.

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