There’s a good chance your workforce is a solid mix of Millennials, Generation X and Baby Boomers. This combination offers a great deal of benefits, as members of different groups are able to learn from one another, but of course it’s not without its challenges.

Many stereotypes are in existence for members of each group, which can seemingly make training a daunting task. While some of these characteristics may be true, it’s never wise to jump to conclusions.

4 Rules for Training Employees Across Generations

Preparing a training session for your multi-generational workforce? Use these four guidelines to get the most from it:

Don’t Rely on Assumptions

It may be true that the Millennial generation typically catches onto new software and techniques faster, but that’s not always the case. Make sure your training is flexible so you can move ahead at the pace of your learners. It’s entirely possible that your Baby Boomers may exceed expectations and outshine the younger generation.

Treat Everyone Equally

Not only is it unfair to treat people differently based on age — it’s also illegal. Push all stereotypes to the side and make training available to everyone. Don’t risk alienating employees and violating age discrimination laws, because of typecasting. Your best employees are likely a mix of all ages, so this bad behavior only hurts your company.

Training is a Must for Everyone

Some employees are naturally tech savvy, but that doesn’t mean they should be exempt from training requirements. Software changes frequently, so it’s important to ensure everyone’s knowledge is up-to-date. Self-taught employees may be naturally gifted, but that doesn’t mean their way is the most efficient.

Keep Everyone in the Loop

Stereotypically speaking, Millennials are the generation that always needs to know why they’re being asked to do something. However, it’s important to make sure the entire group is well-informed, as people are much more receptive to training when they understand its purpose.

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