Keeping a company running smoothly isn’t an easy task. At Premium Staffing Inc., we dedicate multiple posts on our blog each month to HR/management issues, because we know how important it is to have a team of employees who feel happy, appreciated and driven to succeed. It’s our goal to provide you with useful content that truly makes an impact. This is our last blog post of 2015, so we decided to take a look back at the year to see what resources you found most helpful.

3 Most Viewed HR Resources of 2015

We’re pleased to share that the three posts below received more traffic than any of our other HR/management topics this year. If you haven’t already had a chance to read them, take a few minutes to do so:

4 Benefits of Employee Recognition in Driving Productivity

Your employees work hard every day and ask for very little in return. In February, we wrote a blog post explaining the importance of recognizing their efforts. Showing your team ongoing appreciation is more than just an option — it’s a necessity if you want them to continuously perform to standards that exceed your expectations. There are many different ways to make your employees feel valued, so find the best way to reach them. Read more.

Investing in Employee Talent: Benefits of Investing in Individual Growth

If you consider training and development a frivolous expense, you’re inadvertently hurting your own bottom line. Top talent wants to work for a company that provides them with regular opportunities to learn and grow. In February, we composed a blog post explaining the long list of benefits you’ll realize by investing in your team and essential elements to include in your training program. Read more.

Managing New Millennials with the Workplace | What Do Employees Really Want?

In 2015, Millennials became the largest generation in the U.S. workforce. As company leader, you’ve probably already noticed that managing these younger workers is markedly different than their more seasoned counterparts. This past September, we published a blog post offering tips to help you motivate and inspire Millennials, so they want to remain part of your team for years to come. Read more.

Want to make your hiring process more efficient? Contact Premium Staffing, Inc. We do all the legwork and present you with only the best fit highly skilled professionals, making it easier than ever to find the best person for the job.

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