As a manager, there are few things less awkward than having to tell an employee they’re not getting a promotion they really wanted. Whether they were up against another colleague for the job or advancing to the next level is merely a matter of when you think they’re ready — and they’re not — no one likes to find out their boss has vetoed their advancement.

The approach you take to deliver the news can make all the difference in how the person feels and the resulting level of tension in your office. If you handle the situation well, most people will understand your decision was nothing personal and if they continue to work hard, they will eventually move up the ladder. Of course, some employees will take the news poorly no matter what, but this will actually reaffirm your decision not to promote them.

How to Tell an Employee They’re Not Getting a Promotion

Speak to the Person Privately

Call the person into your office for a private discussion, because sending them an email with the news is cold and impersonal. If someone else received the promotion they wanted, be sure to have this conversation before the other employee’s promotion is made public, as you want to break it to them as gently as possible.

Explain Your Reasoning

Be honest with the employee about why you chose not to promote them. Sometimes the truth hurts, but if your rationale remains a mystery, there’s a good chance they’ll jump to conclusions that will fuel hostility. It’s important for them to know your decision was based on solid reasoning, instead of simply playing favorites.

Be Empathetic

Finding out you didn’t get a promotion that you really wanted is tough, so be extra kind to the person. Let them know the decision wasn’t an easy one, because you truly value them as a member of the team. Reiterate their strong points and let them know a promotion in the future is certainly quite possible.

Suggest Steps for Improvement

Offer guidance to help the employee sharpen their skills, so they don’t get miss their chance for a promotion again next time. Explain exactly what they need to do to make it to the next level, so you’re both on the same page. It’s difficult for a person to harbor resentment when they know you truly want them to succeed.

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