In the past, it was standard practice for all employees to work the same hours, but things have changed. As one of the top engineering staffing agencies in Chicago, Premium Staffing, Inc. knows top talent seeks out companies that offer flextime — i.e., the ability to set their own schedule.

Your employees are unique people with very different lives, whose homes are scattered across the city. Allowing them to choose their start and end hours will improve their quality of life — and your company will reap the benefits. Here why implementing flextime increases efficiency.

Four Ways Flextime Boosts Productivity

Higher Employee Morale

No one wants to feel like their employer has more control over their life than they do. Flextime makes people happy in and out of the workplace because they’re living the life they want. Satisfied employees work harder because they want to give back to the company that allows them to enjoy their best life.

Greater Job Satisfaction Levels

Every company doesn’t help people achieve a work-life balance. Employees who get to have it all know they have a good thing going, and they don’t forget it. Consequently, they stay in their jobs longer, because they’re happy and have no desire to leave. Turnover is costly and a major productivity zap, so your bottom line will benefit by keeping it to a minimum.

Tailor Work Schedules to Individual Needs

Different people reach peak productivity at different times of the day. Flextime makes it possible for employees to set their schedules around the times their energy levels are highest. For example, an early bird might do their best work at 7 a.m., while a night owl might be most productive coming in at 10 a.m. This is a win-win situation because employees are able to feel their best at work and you benefit from their increased vitality.

Fewer Absences

Life doesn’t adhere to a rigid work schedule. When employees are forced to take days off for doctor appointments and happenings at their kids’ school, productivity declines. Flextime makes it possible for people to attend appointments during the day, without having to miss work. This keeps production moving, allowing projects to be completed faster.

Start Hiring Better Candidates

Team up with Premium Staffing, Inc. to fill your engineering and manufacturing positions right the first time! Contact us today to find out what we can do for your team!

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