A properly trained staff is essential to the lasting success of your company, so if you don’t remember the last time your training methods were updated, it’s time for an overhaul. Companies with a comprehensive training program have 218% higher income per employee than those without one, according to a survey conducted by The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD), so updating your approach to training can bring a serious payoff.
If any of these antiquated approaches to training are still being used by your company, start searching for alternatives.
Watching Decades-Old Videos
If you haven’t gotten rid of your ancient VCR because it’s the only way to watch some of your training videos, it’s time to fast forward to 2016 and update your training materials. No one is taking these videos seriously because everything about them is outdated, from the information provided to the look of the people starring in them.
Additionally, a video-only training session is no longer considered effective. Your updated videos will certainly add value to the process, but they need to be used in conjunction with interactive methods to be truly effective.
Holding Non-Interactive Classroom Sessions
People learn in a variety of different ways, so gathering your team in a conference room and lecturing from a PowerPoint presentation isn’t going to accomplish much. When properly conducted, classroom sessions can be very effective, but you need to engage your staff. Include interactive activities to hold your team’s interest and help them see how these lessons specifically relate to their job.
Reading Thick Training Manuals
Inundating employees with information is overwhelming and causes them to shut down. Pack up those thick training manuals from the past and replace them with smaller chunks of content that are easy to digest. When people have the chance to fully absorb information at their own pace, they’re able to make sense of it.
Hosting Pricey Off-Sites With External Trainers
In today’s high-tech era, it’s no longer necessary to employ training methods that make a dent in both your budget and your employees’ schedules. Save time and money by using advances in technology to bring training to your own office, spacing it out in manageable increments. Instead of making training an expensive hassle, update your programs to better fit the needs of your company.
At Premium Staffing, Inc. we know finding talented high-level manufacturing professionals can be difficult, but we’re up for the challenge. We offer fast service and cost-effective hiring, so you’ll be welcoming your new employees to the team in no time at all. Contact us today to discuss a partnership!