Temporary employees often work under hazardous conditions, so someone needs to make sure they’re safe. The problem is, staffing agencies and host employers often consider the other one responsible for these employees. In reality, you’re both equally liable for the safety and well-being of temporary staffers, so you need to work together to create a… Read more »
The importance of providing workers with a safe space to voice their concerns without fear of retaliation cannot be emphasized enough. Unfortunately, many companies do not have programs in place to support this need. In January 2017, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) issued recommended practices for anti-retaliation programs, to help employers create an… Read more »
Let’s face it — your team could be a little healthier. Whether people have allowed their gym membership to lapse or need a little help improving their diet, making these changes is always easier as part of a group. Not only do you care about your team, healthy employees are happier and more energetic, so… Read more »
During work hours, you’re responsible for the health and well-being of your workers, so you need to keep them safe from Beryllium. A material used in aerospace, electronics, energy, telecommunication, medical and defense, inhaling this highly toxic metal puts workers at an increased risk of developing chronic beryllium disease (CBD) or lung cancer. The Occupational… Read more »