
A properly trained staff is essential to the lasting success of your company, so if you don’t remember the last time your training methods were updated, it’s time for an overhaul. Companies with a comprehensive training program have 218% higher income per employee than those without one, according to a survey conducted by The American… Read more »


Social media has proven to be an incredible medium for people to connect and a very popular pastime. Incorporating platforms like Facebook and Twitter into your training session is a savvy way to capture the attention of your audience and teach them real skills they will use in their job. This interactive approach to training… Read more »


Starting a new job is equally exciting and terrifying. Finding your way in an unfamiliar company takes time, so even the most talented, experienced new hires need your help to establish a strong foundation from day one. If you’re not willing to put forth the effort to train the newest additions to your team, they’ll… Read more »


As an employer, you’re well aware the safety of your permanent workers is in your hands, but sometimes there’s a grey area surrounding temporary workers. Managed by a staffing firm, these professionals aren’t technically your employees, but they are working for your company, so you need to have a clear understanding of your responsibilities. According… Read more »


If your company’s turnover levels have reached an uncomfortably high level, it’s time to take action. Direct replacement costs for a departing employee can total 50% to 60% of their annual salary, with total costs linked to turnover reaching 90% to 200% of their total earnings, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)…. Read more »


When you have an open position at your company, you probably want to fill it as soon as possible. After posting the job and screening resumes, you invite top contenders in for an interview, but if this typically results in nothing but frustration, you’re going about it all wrong. Job interviews are a time-consuming process… Read more »


As an employer, one of your worst nightmares is having a fire breakout at your work site. Hopefully this will never happen, but in case it does, you must equip your workplace with a proper fire detection system. It is also essential for employees to receive training about what to do if a fire happens,… Read more »


Managers are focused on the present, but as a leader, your vision extends far beyond the now. You have an incredibly talented staff, and while they’re currently satisfied with their jobs, this is just a stepping stone toward big plans for the future. As the boss, you’re in a position to help your employees get… Read more »


If you’re lucky, you have a few superstar employees who amaze you every day. These people come into the office early, volunteer for extra projects and put 100% effort into everything they do. If everyone on your team worked like this, your company would soar to unimaginable heights, but unfortunately it doesn’t usually work that… Read more »


In 2014, approximately 4,679 workers in the U.S. succumbed to fatal work injuries — and 793 were caused by falls, slips and trips, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Marking a total increase of 10% from 2013, the number of falls to a lower level rose by 9% and those on the same level… Read more »